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"Сравнение эффективности 20 языков программирования"
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. "Сравнение эффективности 20 языков программирования" +/
Сообщение от Витюшка (?), 03-Янв-24, 15:41 
Да, да, я не в курсе.

ECMA-262, 14th edition, June 2023
ECMAScript® 2023 Language Specification

9.7 Agents
An agent comprises a set of ECMAScript execution contexts, an execution context stack, a running execution context, an Agent Record, and an executing thread. Except for the executing thread, the constituents of an agent belong exclusively to that agent.

An agent's executing thread executes a job on the agent's execution contexts independently of other agents, except that an executing thread may be used as the executing thread by multiple agents, provided none of the agents sharing the thread have an Agent Record whose [[CanBlock]] field is true.

While an agent's executing thread executes jobs, the agent is the surrounding agent for the code in those jobs. The code uses the surrounding agent to access the specification-level execution objects held within the agent: the running execution context, the execution context stack, and the Agent Record's fields.

9.4 Execution Contexts
An execution context is a specification device that is used to track the runtime evaluation of code by an ECMAScript implementation. At any point in time, there is at most one execution context per agent that is actually executing code. This is known as the agent's running execution context. All references to the running execution context in this specification denote the running execution context of the surrounding agent.

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Сравнение эффективности 20 языков программирования, opennews, 03-Янв-24, 11:05  [смотреть все]
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